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Saturday, August 25, 2012

Vacation 2012

Helluuss, I'm sorry that it has been a couple of weeks but I was on vacation and I have been trying to update my Twitter more often so if you do want to know whats happening you could find stuff there before it is up here plus, some of the things I put on Twitter I don't put on here so if you check both you get more information faster. If you were following me on Twitter you would know that I was visiting my grandmother who lives in Philadelphia, PA. I did some stuff there like going to the Franklin Institute, I made some funny 20 sec. videos that will be made into a photo-video montage on youtube after I do some editing(pixelating, my face, deguising my voice, etc.). I went to Cape May/Wildwood for the first time in like half a decade, went to Duffer's they have the BIGGEST ice cream around, it's enough ice cream to fill a fishbowl. Of course I also went to the shore and wore a new bathing suit(ALWAYS cut out the mesh). You know how when you dig in the sand deep enough you hit water? Well, there were these people next to us with yard shovels digging an enormous hole, I swear they were trying to sink the beach cops. Of course we also looked around the shops like this fudge one that we kept raiding samples from. We're going to Camel Back Beach waterpark tomorrow the drive's gonna be hell. I promise Blogger U will come very soon we were actually just playing Dungeons and Dragons last weekend. Long live the Assinkiq~Q

Thursday, August 2, 2012

A Wiccan's New Schedule With No Dinner

Helluuss and happy Lammas/Lughnasadh , sorry for the delay but I've been busy with 4-H shooting sports. If you have been following me on twitter @bloggerq you would know my sister's newest problem (as if she didn't have enough). For some reason my 11 year old sister apparently can't make herself dinner. I'm not kidding you the bitch says she doesn't wan't the food my parents made, then she demands they make her dinner because they "need" to, and then she has the nerve to mope around the rest of the night whining that she wants dinner. I just want to slap her. Also, although we don't want to admit it, summer vacation is coming to a close so I've decided to tell my loyal readers (you) about my new wardrobe schedule! Monday shall be mock-tie Monday where I will wear a fake tie (clip-ons, wood ties, duct tape[requires no knot], etc). Tuesday shall be Tieless Tuesday, Wed. and Thurs. will be my regular suit and tie, Friesday will of course be Polo-Friesday, Sat/Sun will be sarong(weather permitting). Like always feel free to dress up also it is "our" blog. now on to Wicca many people ask me what is Wicca or what it means to me. So here it is and for anyone with questions I'll refer them here. Wicca is an earth based religion that honors the fertility/tripple moon goddess and the horned/forest god. We use magick(spelled with a "k" to keep from confusion of stage illusions) some of us even believe in faries and dragons(not me though). Wicca is called a new religion because it was "founded" by Gerald Gardner in the mid 1900's. Now here's where my personal opinion comes in. To me Wicca is the one path that is overgrown in the woods that won't get you where you wanted to go but rather where you went by accident and then your in some magical land blah, blah, blah. To me Wicca isn't from the 1900's but rather it has been there all along and Mr. Gardner only awoke it from its slumber. Long live the Assinkiq~Q

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Super Jinx/ Scout Camp

It just keeps happening, every single time! I'll start with one week ago at my 14th birthday party. All my friends were there even my stalker went to the trouble to show up but my co-author didn't. But I recently found out that she had the flu. And of course I have been out of the "office" at scout camp for the last week. It was great minus my shotgun failure, I hit the first one then missed the rest until Friesday when it rained and I hit six. I also took Chess which was just so easy along with Camping(cake-walk) and Basketry(because I would get something from it). Basketry was a bit difficult when I had to make a square basket which was impossible to make and look nice but I still got crediteven thoug it looked like crap. The food wasn't bad but it wasn't good either. I managed to dodge the Jeudo-Christian worship by going to the meditation chapel and burning some insence. Some of my troop members got pied because they lost a game of BS to some staff, however when they challenged the staaff they cad to call it Baloney. But they can yell/chant DAM, DAM, DAM. But I did get a free slushie because I won "Best Costume" dressed as the Phantom of the Opera. Another guy who won didn't get to use his becuse he didn't spend it before they ran out of slushies. There was only one problem with the Pinacolada flavor, no rum. But it was okay since I was loitering at the Trading Post every day. I am so happy to be back sleeping in my water bed and using flush toilets. Long live the Assinkiq~Q

Friday, June 29, 2012

Third or Fourth Time's the Charm

Helluuss, so nice to more or less see you again. Several of you have asked when my co-author "U" is going to be with us. I am here to tell you that she is indeed coming very soon. She is not the original selection for "U" but she is a mutual friend so to speak. I will be meeting with her on Friesday the Thirteenth to smooth out the details and perhaps we can get a post up. Now about me, for starters I have got my twitter fixed so you can find and follow me as "Blogger Q", also I am probably heir to the Nerd throne. You see both of my parents were in the D&D club which was basically the chess club. Also for some strange reason I wasn't selected for advanced math class and that is really strange because I have always been really good at math and over the summer I'm going with my mother to her Calculas class and I completely understand all of it except maybe Epsilon-Delta. Also my favorite occult store has moved to a bigger location and are now doing rituals! So the question is when will I fall off this cliff of happiness? Long live the Assinkiq!~Q

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

2/3 Done

Helluuss! Now two thirds done what could that mean? No it isn't my sister's work ethic, it's more or less my education. You see (more or less), yesterday was my last day of school and a few days before that it was my mother's birthday. It's no surprise I got the President's award and also no surprise there were two typos on my moving up certificate. It's probably not good that I only told them about one Over the summer I'm sitting in on my mother's Calc-1 class. Now for stuff on the homefront. She did it again! I went into the hot tub last night and turned on one of my Cher CDs and then she whined about it and my father turned the music off. Then I and turned on the bubbles and the jets she turns them off and tells me that I'm lucky just to be in it. So I turn them all on full blast and she just starts crying and she gets us kicked out. I mean, it's a hot tub they are supposed to make bubbles and have jets if you don't like it don't use it the settings are there for a reason. Perhaps I should finally get rid of her as a graduation present to myself. Who wants to help? I'll get some sort of nobel peace prize of something. Long live the Assinkiq~Q

Monday, June 11, 2012

Schmucky Duckies

Helluuss, I have ducks. Before you ask, I don't know what kind of ducks they are other than white and flightless. There are four boys and five girls. I should probably teach them to come back from the pond at night. Okay so today I finally got to go into the hot tub(after my parents went skinny dipping last night). And surprise surprise, I can't use it again until July! Not because the ducks were in it with me but rather, my sister was being a bitch again and started yelling at me. Why? I wanted to turn on the bubble jets but of course she didn't because that is what a hot tub is for, and why should she use it correctly? Also it has come to my attention that some people have this crazy idea that my blog is nothing but a fantasy and I am here to tell you that as always my blog is based on facts. Long live the Assinkiq~Q

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Mmmmmm Candy

Helluuss, on Friesday I got another Cher CD this one is called Believe, (that makes four) I think I might have a problem. Yesterday I got back from Hershey Amusment Park. My feet ached from standing in the long lines for a few mediocre coasters. They probably call it an amusement park because the prices are high enough to laugh at. My assigned group (which I did not sign up for) couldn't go because we had a guy with a medical condition and if he got water in his ears and then did not get to a hospital within thirty minutes, well for all practical purposes he would be a brussel sprout (Now where did I put my water gun?). But it was okay because I switched into another group with my best friend that group I did however tryto sign up for. And to finish off the wonderful weekend today I got a hot tub with a CD player. But where is the storm cloud? Oh wait, there it is I can't get everything hooked up until next weekend. Long live the Assinkiq~Q

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Really Good Day

Helluus, I know what your thinking "Is it possible for Q of all people to have a good day?" and I'm here to tell you aparently it is possible. First I came home and watched a little TV but the fun happened (sort of) later when my sister came home. A small time after she got nhome she didn't have any pants on. Why, you ask? Well funny story she had to walk up our relly long uphill driveway and she wet her pants, and then you know what she says? I don't have any clean pants. Ha, ha. Then we had our concert where I recieved "props" for convincing my chorus tearcher to do "Over at the Frankenstein Place" from "Rocky Horror". So all seemss to have gone well. Long live the Assinkiq~Q

Sunday, May 20, 2012

In the OA

Yes it's true I somehow got into the Order of the Arrow. Before anyone asks, no I didn't do anything illegal to get in{looks around}. And the other fellow from my vary small troop also made it so fret not. It was at camp Barton in Ithaca. I'm now a leader, perfect seeing as I want to take over. Also I have good news you will all soon-ish know my identity. How? You might ask, well to make it simple you shall see who I am when it is published. And in world domination news I have made our symbol (picture pending) also I have found our hand gesture thing, we shall place our right hand on our face, ring and middle fingers over our eyes and say "Long  live the Assinkiq!"~Q

Sunday, May 6, 2012


Helluus, nice to see you all again relatively speaking. So title it's not what I want to do to my sister, well... It's actually a really good TV show it is like glee for adults or somthing. I went to a friend's birthday party today. It was an open mic party so we can all guess who I sang Cher. But aside from that I did make a few jokes. Like someone was sining "We're not gonna take it" It was obviously towards her therapist and she was singing about her antpsychotics. I also painted my room silver forreligious reasons. The wiccan colors are silver, black,and purple. But if you want you could help me by smashing my sister. Long live the Assinkiq.~Q

Friday, April 27, 2012


I have finally come up with a replacement greeting! Despite the fact mthat people are sliding more toward Hola than Hello, I am still going to give it a go so... Helluus. I have recently been informed about this algorithmic site that tells how much influence you have, it give you a score from 1 to 100. I know what you all are thinking and I have to admit my klout score is 27, not to bad for someone in a very sad, small area in general. Well I think we will get our coauthor "U" before we get 1000 overall pageviews. Today I had this solo festival thing and sang the song Homeward Bound. But if you ask me it is nothing at all compared to the music of Cher. Honestly I think that Cher should be put back on the radio because the current generation has no idea who she is. That really pisses me off. Long live the Assinkiq~Q

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Two Monks at the Walk-In

I'm back, and sick, and still dead on the inside. Two days ago I wasn't feeling well so my mother took me to the clinic, we had to wait forever but I have strep. Don't worry you won't catch it from this post I've been on the pills for over twenty four hours. But it was kind of strange because there were two monks in blue robes with crosses and stuff. I think they were Canadian. And yesterday my sister went all Bitch Mode on me just because I wanted (for once) to go to our 4-H Horse riding practice. Then of course she made a big fuss about how the one horse belonged to her and her only and then she wouldn't even pick up the houses feet to clean them. But that wasn't the funniest thing that happened yesterday. When we were saddeling up our one horse in the barn, the music was on and he was lip syncing. Long live the Assinkiq~Q

Monday, April 9, 2012

Canada(With any Luck I Will Get Home)

Sorry for the absence I have been preparing for my trip to, yes, Canada. I am currently in Montreal city. I'm here as an extra curricular activity with my French language class. I am actually sort of disappointed because when we were at the boarder they didn't stamp my passport. But at least it was a quick experience. Hopefully I can spread my eccentric blog and personality into Canada. Unfortunately I had the displeasure of ice skating. What's you say? It's easy, well not for me I have been beaten in ice skating contests by alcoholics. Much to my surprise the Canadians really do say eh. Long live the Assinkiq.~Q

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Backish Story

I'm back I've been recently digesting Flat land, great stuff. Now about your comments as much as we all like to comment on my blog I can't publish all of them. Well I could but the problem is you. You see when I first started my blog everyhing was fine. But after my second post, the very popular, "Hell is Kinder than She" my sister told my mother. Since it is the truth it was not forbidden but it wasn't okay either. What keeps this blog continuing in me being anonymous. So back to the comment issue, obviously I need to approve the comments if you say my name I can't post it. And of course if you have nothing better to do than trash methen why would I post your comment? But it is easily fixable on your part. To answer some of your questions, an Assinkiqan is just onw of my fans. Lady Gaga has her "little monsters", and I have my Assinkiqans, and yes my mother does know that I write this. I have other pets like my bearded dragon, its name is Jane I named it after my house keeper. I honestly don't know if it is a boy or a girl. Also great news, I'm on Twitter under Blogger Q. Long live the Assinkiq~Q

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Bitch Day

Well it must be Bitch Day again already because they're at it again. Today I had a half day and was dismissed from school early, so my mother wants me to do work on my day off. She is telling me to do a bunch of the crap she is supposed to do, and then she pulls the migrane card. So later my sister gets home with two of the kids from up the street, we decide to go on the trampoline and 20 minutes later my sister comes outside, I tell her not to. Eventually I start throwing paintballs at her and she throws watermelon juice on me. Then to make it worse she throws painballs on the pig so I had to was the pig. Long live the Assinkiq~Q

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Officially Unofficial

Well I had a fun weekend, I went paintballing with my scout troop, sort of. The scouts frown upon shooting other scouts ssooo... yeah. I only got shot three times, all on my right side, but no welts. And of course when I get home and wake up the next morning my mother wants to make me do chores. She says painball was my relaxation for the weekend, so she proceeds to tell me to bring her summer wardrobe down form the attic. And then my sister gets bitched up and starts doing tons of things to annoy me. She said that I had to go on a diet when she was the one who gained thirty pounds in one year. What a hypocrite. I just can't wait to see how she gets hit for this. That goes for my mother and my sister.~Q

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Crazy Day

Hmm, I'm surprised that title hasn't come up before. Well I was going crazy today,(just a hint,don't play who had the crazier day with me for money because I'm still getting money from when Snooki got the blue plus) I had to shovel rock out of a truck with no beverage and I was left to rot while my parents were riding our two new horses. AND I still need to glue all my crap on my Science Fair board. But in spite of it all, Will & Grace is not on iTunes. But it is in Barnes & Noble. Well if worst comes to worst I could always JUMP..........................................................................................................................................................
 you know on a trampoline. Yaye. Also anyone who reads my blog I will consider an Assinkiqan.~Q

Thursday, March 8, 2012

What Would You Do?

Nothing big lately so I'll give you a WWYD situation.

You have have just boarded a plane to go to Australia. You think of how much fun it would be, you drift to sleep. BASH! You wake up and find the plane on the ground. You are now lost in the Australian wilderness. You have one gallon of gasoline, a pack of matches, a flare, and a parachute. From out of the mist walks an elusive figure. Oh My Godsh it is the famous blogger "Q". He has enough food to last three days and an axe. WHAT DO YOU DO????~Q

Friday, March 2, 2012


Back again, I come with updates on my rules. To start I want to add one TINYthing about ties clip-ons are acceptable, but ONLY on Polo Friesday. Another thing to mention, Polos should only be worn on Friesday, unless it is an EMERGENCY. Also for those of you wonderfuly different(creepy{YAY}) people who want to know about me, I have been very busy watching WIll & Grace, I think I have an unhealthy obsession with Megan Mullaly. But Onday(pronounced: un-day) is in two days.(Onday? Whats Onday?) Well Onday is the "new" Monday, like Polo Friesday but on Onday you don't speak with M's. It'll be a hard day for M&M's~Q

Sunday, February 26, 2012


Yes, well we all can honestly say that there are just some people that the world could do without. Sorry about the lack of postage but my internet was down and my mother was out of the state. Now I just absolutely despise people who sit on the sidelines theen after "damage" was done they come up to you and just bitch you out. I mean its like you were sitting there and you didn't do anything so to clear the blood of your hands you must now insult me and my work ethic. So being a person who does not really care wht the heck people say about me I sit back down at my table. Now we were talking about my religion(that is quite ironic because the person who was yelling at me had no respect for my religion) and one of the guys said oh no we were told not to talk to him. Can  you beleive that person had the nerve to tell my friends not to talk to me. So remember we all hate some people.~Q

Monday, February 13, 2012

My Pseudonym

I want you to tell people it burns. Tell them "My Pseudonym, it BURNS! It will now be coined as a part of SIHS(Staring Into the Heart of the Soulless) along with Polo Friesday! Okay it took me a while but I finished The Girl Who Played With Fire, you absolutely need to read this book I'm getting the third book soon and the wait is killing me!!!!! In other news at the one year mark I am going to write a book about the blog I'm also thinking about getting other merchandise made. And PLEASE comment or send me an email I want to hear your opinion! My email is Long live the Assinkiq!~Q

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

We're Back...

The chaos is back. My sister went on an insane rampage about her coat. She threw it by my piano (it is mine she can't play it at all) so I told her to move it, she didn't so I did. My mother is going back to college and got a job. But worst of all (I appologize to people who aren't in the U.S.) my dad took away my freedom of religion. Now I am neopagan or in simple terms wiccan (there has never been a war because of us) and he won't let me preform a spell at midnight. Hate my life!~Q

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


For some reason the world is almost completly gray on ties. "Hey dad here is this(ugly striped tie) happy Fathers Day." No no longer will I let this happen! First off any thing with stripes never wear it again stripes are horrible,when I see striped on a tie I literaly gag. Also no more clip-on ties the don't count either. Only tied ties count, if you have busy mornings have one or two pretied for yourself. Ties are good when they go for holidays but don't drag them out no more than twice a week and never two days in a row. If it has a sound chip buy it if you like it of couse. Finally go for ties with an abstract design, if there is one that has stripes but it isn't the focus of the tie it is okay.(I'll try not to do too many eductional posts but it just needed to be said.) But in other news I found out there is a sequel to Phantom of the Opera and is called Love Never Dies. And don't forget Polo Friesday is coming soon.~Q

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo

Okay, first off sorry for the absence I was trying to contact our new co-author but it might be a while until she starts so your stuck with me. I have read the book and I loved it and I strongly suggest you read it if you like murder mystery and a kiss ass bitch. I saw the movie too, but the book is insanely better than the American movie. Okay some World Domination ideas I want to change Friday to Friesday and then make Polo Friesday so wear a polo shirt on "Fridays". Also I want to start by getting the countries Russia, China, Australia, Canada, Brazil and the U.S. to support me.~Q

Friday, January 13, 2012

Greek Peak

Hello I am writing this post from Greek Peak ski lodge. I don't actually ski, I mean alcoholics can ski better than me. If your wondering, I can't ice skate for the life of me. I fell off my inner tube. I am teaching the little people the move for air hockey. I call it the suicide bomber and no it does not include C4. You simply slide the thing you hit the puck with swiftly to the other side of the table. I think I might go ziplining on Saturday. I hate the winter we are having, we have had almost no snow. By the way I am psychic. I sometimes dream something and then it happens and I get the strangest de ja vu. Long live the assinkiq~Q

Thursday, January 12, 2012


Recently it has come to my attention that necro-comedians are not appreciated. This is sad for I find humor in death. Like for example the other day one of my friends said to his friend (jokingly) "I'm gonna kill you" and then I said(jokingly) "Hey when you kill her can I hide the body," and she freaked out. I told her that I wanted somthing to help me step up my game for easter egg hunting but she was just crazy. And another thing just because someone has a pentagram does not mean they are a devil worshiper it could mean that but it could also mean they are Wiccan or Pagan. I hope I can work out the kinks with my co-author problem she'll be here soon and she is NOT my sister. Also I have decided on a name for my WD(World Domination) organization. It's the Assinkiq(pronounced uh-sink-E-kuh)~Q

Sunday, January 8, 2012

New Author

Sorry about the delay but again I have a good reason it's because we are getting a new co author. She is a friend of mine and is also crazy so she'll fit in fine but now we will start tagging our posts she will be "U" and I will be "Q". This will also help the number of posts uploaded so more for you. She probably won't start writing for a week or two so you have some time to get settled in.~Q