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Saturday, December 31, 2011

It's Not a Wonderful Life/More Mommy Hoarding

So post parody on the movie "It's A Wonderful Life" for those of you who have not seen the movie it's about the age old question: What would happen if I wasn't born? Well for me it would start without my sister because I wanted her.Was I drunk that night? Lets see next my house wouldn't be built and my neighbor might be a little happier. My teachers would be so depressed. Mass suicide, boredom, etc. Now I told a little white lie in my last post. My mother does hoard animals. We have 3 horses, 14 chickens, a dog, the pig (she's not a pig she's THE pig and thats Mrs. pig to you), a bearded dragon, 2 dumpy tree frogs, and a hissing cockroach. And something else her coffee creamers. She can't have less than ten containers and has at least five flavors at once. At least its not wine.~Q

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Merry (insert holiday name here)/ Antiques

I celebrate x-mas but what ever this will surprise all of you but I actually got a  32" TV. I wonder what they want from me????  Okay so a few of you may have noticed this is my first double post so your wondering what antiques are about well it's about my mother's hoarding obsession. Most people harbor trash or pets but no my mother had to have old wood. She goes around town looking for old furniture on the curb of streets you know how you see a lion on feeding on a gazelle and afterwards it goes hunting for moe with blood dripping from its mouth? Well imagine that on a middle aged unemployed woman. Yeah THAT'S my life!~Q

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Not My Fault

Okay, well, I have not posted anything for a week(sorry) but it is because I have not had anything worth sharing. As you know this blog is written based on factual information there for if nothing interesting happens nothing interessting is posted. But I have good news the dryspell is over! For you see today my Ho Ho Half-brain of a sister had a meltdown, about a trumpet. My mother wanted not for her to play but did that stop her??? NO, she had a meltdown. Then later she had an aftershock. The bitch got upset over a cookie. A cookie. I can't write this stuff she flipped out because she wanted to give them to Santa. I often wonder why I am I where I am. I find the best possible reason has to be for entertainment. Its fun watching everyone running around screwing up their lives while I sit back laughing.~Q

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Dark

In "celebration" of 100 page veiws I will give my darkest post yet. As I sit here listening to the rain fall I wonder will we every get out of this quagmire? I ask you can you see it? The deeply withered backbone of society. If you can't you will want to, wether the want is subconscious or not is something else entirely but if you can see it I commend you on your efforts and I tell you that we will never unsee it. Yes I now that know no mater how many bones are crushed, no matter how much blood is shed we will always be I this hell hole. If you agree follow me in my world conquest if not, tell your friends and keep reading this blog because its not just for WD(World Domination)~Q

Friday, December 9, 2011


Okay so I'll tell you what has gone on recently... First I want you to know my mother has a pet pig and she lets it roam around the house. It is a mini potbelly, but it is 80 pounds and it is a diva. So we got some snow  up here.Then we tried to put her outside but, she squeeled so my father threw her outside and she huddled in the small area without snow it was hilarious!~Q

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Okay so, in my last post I told you I might tell you about a flashback so here it is BOOM!(If only it was that easy) Now I might have told you this but I am a boy scout as ironic as that is we will progress. So as a boy scout, my troop went camping once, well more than once but this is a story of one of those times. We were going to a scout camp but the OA(Order of the Arrow) kicked us out. Now having a rather plump boy scout leader the few of us that were there wern't going to let that stop us, so we went on a back packing trail. Now this trail was about 2 miles from a jail and my leader drives a blue mini-van(thats where the trouble starts) and my scout master has a walking stick with a skull on it now he didn't want to lose the skull so he put it in his van. Now he carefully and wisely puts it right next to the hatchet.... So we walk the two miles of terrain only to find the lean-to is occupied so we continue walking and we find a cliff so what a surprise this is we set up camp there. The cliff was about fifty feet down a strait drop to solid rock so we throw rocks down oh and I'm afraid of heights. So we venture down the less steep side of the cliff and we find a small amount of water but on the way back up a scout throws down a branch and another surprise it hits me in the head!!!!!!! So the irony ends here? NO! But we made foil dinners and our seasoning onion rolled down the less steep side of the cliff what do we do? We send a scout master to get it. Then the other scout master (the one with the van) gave us harmonicas and finally at the end of all that it rains and the ground-cloths didn't work, so the tent turned into a slip-n-slide. Even now I wonder what the heck did I do to get all this thrown on me. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate it but I must wonder where is all this coming from????????? And would someone please comment on anything, ANYTHING.~Q

Friday, December 2, 2011


I am sorry I have been MIA recently but there are two good reasons. First I have not had time with staring my chess club and being with my other orginizations. And second, I had no good juicy info to tell you all about. Well instead of making this a two sentence apology I'll tell you more about me. I want to rule the world but that is a little far out so if I can't do that then I want to be a therapist (even though I am random and crazy). And although I am 13, my favorite movie is "The Rocky Horror Picture Show". I am also really good at math my average was a 99. Finally thank you to everyone who has veiwed my blog and does not live in America. I really like that my blog is world wide. I hope to write you more stories of dark humor and back stabbing if not maybe I'll go into a flash back. Who knows but the only way to find out is to continue reading.~Q