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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Really Good Day

Helluus, I know what your thinking "Is it possible for Q of all people to have a good day?" and I'm here to tell you aparently it is possible. First I came home and watched a little TV but the fun happened (sort of) later when my sister came home. A small time after she got nhome she didn't have any pants on. Why, you ask? Well funny story she had to walk up our relly long uphill driveway and she wet her pants, and then you know what she says? I don't have any clean pants. Ha, ha. Then we had our concert where I recieved "props" for convincing my chorus tearcher to do "Over at the Frankenstein Place" from "Rocky Horror". So all seemss to have gone well. Long live the Assinkiq~Q

Sunday, May 20, 2012

In the OA

Yes it's true I somehow got into the Order of the Arrow. Before anyone asks, no I didn't do anything illegal to get in{looks around}. And the other fellow from my vary small troop also made it so fret not. It was at camp Barton in Ithaca. I'm now a leader, perfect seeing as I want to take over. Also I have good news you will all soon-ish know my identity. How? You might ask, well to make it simple you shall see who I am when it is published. And in world domination news I have made our symbol (picture pending) also I have found our hand gesture thing, we shall place our right hand on our face, ring and middle fingers over our eyes and say "Long  live the Assinkiq!"~Q

Sunday, May 6, 2012


Helluus, nice to see you all again relatively speaking. So title it's not what I want to do to my sister, well... It's actually a really good TV show it is like glee for adults or somthing. I went to a friend's birthday party today. It was an open mic party so we can all guess who I sang Cher. But aside from that I did make a few jokes. Like someone was sining "We're not gonna take it" It was obviously towards her therapist and she was singing about her antpsychotics. I also painted my room silver forreligious reasons. The wiccan colors are silver, black,and purple. But if you want you could help me by smashing my sister. Long live the Assinkiq.~Q