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Saturday, March 31, 2012

Backish Story

I'm back I've been recently digesting Flat land, great stuff. Now about your comments as much as we all like to comment on my blog I can't publish all of them. Well I could but the problem is you. You see when I first started my blog everyhing was fine. But after my second post, the very popular, "Hell is Kinder than She" my sister told my mother. Since it is the truth it was not forbidden but it wasn't okay either. What keeps this blog continuing in me being anonymous. So back to the comment issue, obviously I need to approve the comments if you say my name I can't post it. And of course if you have nothing better to do than trash methen why would I post your comment? But it is easily fixable on your part. To answer some of your questions, an Assinkiqan is just onw of my fans. Lady Gaga has her "little monsters", and I have my Assinkiqans, and yes my mother does know that I write this. I have other pets like my bearded dragon, its name is Jane I named it after my house keeper. I honestly don't know if it is a boy or a girl. Also great news, I'm on Twitter under Blogger Q. Long live the Assinkiq~Q

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Bitch Day

Well it must be Bitch Day again already because they're at it again. Today I had a half day and was dismissed from school early, so my mother wants me to do work on my day off. She is telling me to do a bunch of the crap she is supposed to do, and then she pulls the migrane card. So later my sister gets home with two of the kids from up the street, we decide to go on the trampoline and 20 minutes later my sister comes outside, I tell her not to. Eventually I start throwing paintballs at her and she throws watermelon juice on me. Then to make it worse she throws painballs on the pig so I had to was the pig. Long live the Assinkiq~Q

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Officially Unofficial

Well I had a fun weekend, I went paintballing with my scout troop, sort of. The scouts frown upon shooting other scouts ssooo... yeah. I only got shot three times, all on my right side, but no welts. And of course when I get home and wake up the next morning my mother wants to make me do chores. She says painball was my relaxation for the weekend, so she proceeds to tell me to bring her summer wardrobe down form the attic. And then my sister gets bitched up and starts doing tons of things to annoy me. She said that I had to go on a diet when she was the one who gained thirty pounds in one year. What a hypocrite. I just can't wait to see how she gets hit for this. That goes for my mother and my sister.~Q

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Crazy Day

Hmm, I'm surprised that title hasn't come up before. Well I was going crazy today,(just a hint,don't play who had the crazier day with me for money because I'm still getting money from when Snooki got the blue plus) I had to shovel rock out of a truck with no beverage and I was left to rot while my parents were riding our two new horses. AND I still need to glue all my crap on my Science Fair board. But in spite of it all, Will & Grace is not on iTunes. But it is in Barnes & Noble. Well if worst comes to worst I could always JUMP..........................................................................................................................................................
 you know on a trampoline. Yaye. Also anyone who reads my blog I will consider an Assinkiqan.~Q

Thursday, March 8, 2012

What Would You Do?

Nothing big lately so I'll give you a WWYD situation.

You have have just boarded a plane to go to Australia. You think of how much fun it would be, you drift to sleep. BASH! You wake up and find the plane on the ground. You are now lost in the Australian wilderness. You have one gallon of gasoline, a pack of matches, a flare, and a parachute. From out of the mist walks an elusive figure. Oh My Godsh it is the famous blogger "Q". He has enough food to last three days and an axe. WHAT DO YOU DO????~Q

Friday, March 2, 2012


Back again, I come with updates on my rules. To start I want to add one TINYthing about ties clip-ons are acceptable, but ONLY on Polo Friesday. Another thing to mention, Polos should only be worn on Friesday, unless it is an EMERGENCY. Also for those of you wonderfuly different(creepy{YAY}) people who want to know about me, I have been very busy watching WIll & Grace, I think I have an unhealthy obsession with Megan Mullaly. But Onday(pronounced: un-day) is in two days.(Onday? Whats Onday?) Well Onday is the "new" Monday, like Polo Friesday but on Onday you don't speak with M's. It'll be a hard day for M&M's~Q