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Saturday, June 1, 2013

Season 2

I know what you all are thinking, you thought I got canceled. Must've been low ratings or something but nope I'm still here and you're still reading. Maybe next season we can put out commercials. I would ask how you are but you don't respond and it's my blog so as usual, it's all about me. The narcissist. Blogger Q. Since we last saw Q he has taken a Wicca 101 class because his mother made him, eventhough he already knew 95% of it. But he still goes to the open magick circle run by the teacher and her husband. That's where he met Karen a reiki master who taught him level one. Q is also now polyamorus, eventhough it is hard to be polyamorus when he can't get one person. Yes he is aware he is talking in the third person. Karen and Q have this I'm stalking her, she's stalking me sort-of humorus thing going on. Blogger U is bassically under house asylum and doesn't get out much except to go to Rocky with Q. Q&U applied for the Rocky cast but, were denied because we are minors who are still in high school. Long live the Assinkiq~Q