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Thursday, August 2, 2012

A Wiccan's New Schedule With No Dinner

Helluuss and happy Lammas/Lughnasadh , sorry for the delay but I've been busy with 4-H shooting sports. If you have been following me on twitter @bloggerq you would know my sister's newest problem (as if she didn't have enough). For some reason my 11 year old sister apparently can't make herself dinner. I'm not kidding you the bitch says she doesn't wan't the food my parents made, then she demands they make her dinner because they "need" to, and then she has the nerve to mope around the rest of the night whining that she wants dinner. I just want to slap her. Also, although we don't want to admit it, summer vacation is coming to a close so I've decided to tell my loyal readers (you) about my new wardrobe schedule! Monday shall be mock-tie Monday where I will wear a fake tie (clip-ons, wood ties, duct tape[requires no knot], etc). Tuesday shall be Tieless Tuesday, Wed. and Thurs. will be my regular suit and tie, Friesday will of course be Polo-Friesday, Sat/Sun will be sarong(weather permitting). Like always feel free to dress up also it is "our" blog. now on to Wicca many people ask me what is Wicca or what it means to me. So here it is and for anyone with questions I'll refer them here. Wicca is an earth based religion that honors the fertility/tripple moon goddess and the horned/forest god. We use magick(spelled with a "k" to keep from confusion of stage illusions) some of us even believe in faries and dragons(not me though). Wicca is called a new religion because it was "founded" by Gerald Gardner in the mid 1900's. Now here's where my personal opinion comes in. To me Wicca is the one path that is overgrown in the woods that won't get you where you wanted to go but rather where you went by accident and then your in some magical land blah, blah, blah. To me Wicca isn't from the 1900's but rather it has been there all along and Mr. Gardner only awoke it from its slumber. Long live the Assinkiq~Q

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