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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo

Okay, first off sorry for the absence I was trying to contact our new co-author but it might be a while until she starts so your stuck with me. I have read the book and I loved it and I strongly suggest you read it if you like murder mystery and a kiss ass bitch. I saw the movie too, but the book is insanely better than the American movie. Okay some World Domination ideas I want to change Friday to Friesday and then make Polo Friesday so wear a polo shirt on "Fridays". Also I want to start by getting the countries Russia, China, Australia, Canada, Brazil and the U.S. to support me.~Q

Friday, January 13, 2012

Greek Peak

Hello I am writing this post from Greek Peak ski lodge. I don't actually ski, I mean alcoholics can ski better than me. If your wondering, I can't ice skate for the life of me. I fell off my inner tube. I am teaching the little people the move for air hockey. I call it the suicide bomber and no it does not include C4. You simply slide the thing you hit the puck with swiftly to the other side of the table. I think I might go ziplining on Saturday. I hate the winter we are having, we have had almost no snow. By the way I am psychic. I sometimes dream something and then it happens and I get the strangest de ja vu. Long live the assinkiq~Q

Thursday, January 12, 2012


Recently it has come to my attention that necro-comedians are not appreciated. This is sad for I find humor in death. Like for example the other day one of my friends said to his friend (jokingly) "I'm gonna kill you" and then I said(jokingly) "Hey when you kill her can I hide the body," and she freaked out. I told her that I wanted somthing to help me step up my game for easter egg hunting but she was just crazy. And another thing just because someone has a pentagram does not mean they are a devil worshiper it could mean that but it could also mean they are Wiccan or Pagan. I hope I can work out the kinks with my co-author problem she'll be here soon and she is NOT my sister. Also I have decided on a name for my WD(World Domination) organization. It's the Assinkiq(pronounced uh-sink-E-kuh)~Q

Sunday, January 8, 2012

New Author

Sorry about the delay but again I have a good reason it's because we are getting a new co author. She is a friend of mine and is also crazy so she'll fit in fine but now we will start tagging our posts she will be "U" and I will be "Q". This will also help the number of posts uploaded so more for you. She probably won't start writing for a week or two so you have some time to get settled in.~Q