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Saturday, March 31, 2012

Backish Story

I'm back I've been recently digesting Flat land, great stuff. Now about your comments as much as we all like to comment on my blog I can't publish all of them. Well I could but the problem is you. You see when I first started my blog everyhing was fine. But after my second post, the very popular, "Hell is Kinder than She" my sister told my mother. Since it is the truth it was not forbidden but it wasn't okay either. What keeps this blog continuing in me being anonymous. So back to the comment issue, obviously I need to approve the comments if you say my name I can't post it. And of course if you have nothing better to do than trash methen why would I post your comment? But it is easily fixable on your part. To answer some of your questions, an Assinkiqan is just onw of my fans. Lady Gaga has her "little monsters", and I have my Assinkiqans, and yes my mother does know that I write this. I have other pets like my bearded dragon, its name is Jane I named it after my house keeper. I honestly don't know if it is a boy or a girl. Also great news, I'm on Twitter under Blogger Q. Long live the Assinkiq~Q

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