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Sunday, March 11, 2012

Crazy Day

Hmm, I'm surprised that title hasn't come up before. Well I was going crazy today,(just a hint,don't play who had the crazier day with me for money because I'm still getting money from when Snooki got the blue plus) I had to shovel rock out of a truck with no beverage and I was left to rot while my parents were riding our two new horses. AND I still need to glue all my crap on my Science Fair board. But in spite of it all, Will & Grace is not on iTunes. But it is in Barnes & Noble. Well if worst comes to worst I could always JUMP..........................................................................................................................................................
 you know on a trampoline. Yaye. Also anyone who reads my blog I will consider an Assinkiqan.~Q

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what is an assinkiquan??? is that like a religion or something