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Saturday, December 31, 2011

It's Not a Wonderful Life/More Mommy Hoarding

So post parody on the movie "It's A Wonderful Life" for those of you who have not seen the movie it's about the age old question: What would happen if I wasn't born? Well for me it would start without my sister because I wanted her.Was I drunk that night? Lets see next my house wouldn't be built and my neighbor might be a little happier. My teachers would be so depressed. Mass suicide, boredom, etc. Now I told a little white lie in my last post. My mother does hoard animals. We have 3 horses, 14 chickens, a dog, the pig (she's not a pig she's THE pig and thats Mrs. pig to you), a bearded dragon, 2 dumpy tree frogs, and a hissing cockroach. And something else her coffee creamers. She can't have less than ten containers and has at least five flavors at once. At least its not wine.~Q

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