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Wednesday, February 1, 2012


For some reason the world is almost completly gray on ties. "Hey dad here is this(ugly striped tie) happy Fathers Day." No no longer will I let this happen! First off any thing with stripes never wear it again stripes are horrible,when I see striped on a tie I literaly gag. Also no more clip-on ties the don't count either. Only tied ties count, if you have busy mornings have one or two pretied for yourself. Ties are good when they go for holidays but don't drag them out no more than twice a week and never two days in a row. If it has a sound chip buy it if you like it of couse. Finally go for ties with an abstract design, if there is one that has stripes but it isn't the focus of the tie it is okay.(I'll try not to do too many eductional posts but it just needed to be said.) But in other news I found out there is a sequel to Phantom of the Opera and is called Love Never Dies. And don't forget Polo Friesday is coming soon.~Q

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