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Sunday, June 3, 2012

Mmmmmm Candy

Helluuss, on Friesday I got another Cher CD this one is called Believe, (that makes four) I think I might have a problem. Yesterday I got back from Hershey Amusment Park. My feet ached from standing in the long lines for a few mediocre coasters. They probably call it an amusement park because the prices are high enough to laugh at. My assigned group (which I did not sign up for) couldn't go because we had a guy with a medical condition and if he got water in his ears and then did not get to a hospital within thirty minutes, well for all practical purposes he would be a brussel sprout (Now where did I put my water gun?). But it was okay because I switched into another group with my best friend that group I did however tryto sign up for. And to finish off the wonderful weekend today I got a hot tub with a CD player. But where is the storm cloud? Oh wait, there it is I can't get everything hooked up until next weekend. Long live the Assinkiq~Q

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